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Reinventing Your Business Strategy


The MIT Sloan School of Management

Reinventig Your Business Strategy

If the organization you lead is to achieve success in current markets, you must begin to think about your business strategy in new ways.

Traditional competitive approaches that rely on product differentiation do not produce optimal
results, nor do they take advantage of new sources of profitability that the connectivity of a networked economy offers. Too often, they focus your attention in the wrong place.

To survive and prosper today, you must shift your attention from products to customers and create a business plan based on:
• the innovative restructuring of your customer relationships;

• segmenting your customers more creatively;

• delivering a value proposition that places the customer at the center of your strategy;

An Intensive Two-Day Program for Senior General and Technical Management

In Cambridge, Massachusetts

March 23-24, 2009

June 25-26, 2009

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