Negotiating Difficult Business Conversations
Dealing with Tough Topics Productively
Generate breakthrough innovation; close critical deals on your terms; save important relationships; motivate performance; maintain your self-respect; creat standout teams; and turn conflict into an asset instead of liability.
In Negotiating Difficult Business Conversations, you will learn:
- The hidden and corrosive costs of avoiding difficult conversations;
- The three internal “conversations” that determine whether you will be part of the problem, or lead the way to a solution;
- The hidden factor that explains why we find some conversations so difficult and others not, and why different people find different conversations difficult;
- How you can engage in joint problem solving, even with people who seem irrational, wholly selfish, unprincipled, or untruthful;
- How to avoid the most common pitfalls in beginning a difficult conversation;
- What to do with strong emotion – yours or theirs, so it helps rather than hinders;
- What to do if the other person attacks you, or won’t listen to what you have to say;
- When it’s worth it, and when it’s not.
In Cambridge, Massachusetts
April 14-15, 2009
July 13-14, 2009
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