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The Program on Negotiation for Senior Executives


The Program on Negotiation at Harvard Law School

Program on Negotiation for Senior Executives

Creating Practical, Productive and Lasting Agreement

How can you improve the outcomes of your negotiations with business partners, clients, vendors, and employees?

What can you do to increase your ability to negotiate deals, influence peers, persuade investors, avoid needless conflict and costly litigation, improve financial terms and influence the decisions of others?

This powerful approach allows you to:

1. Improved Working Relationships

• Negotiating with superiors, boards of directors, legislators and regulators
• Building effective coalitions
• Selecting tactics for dealing with the fundamental tensions of any negotiation
• Identifying the symptoms of a poor working relationship and negotiating a better one

2. Enhanced Organizational Effectiveness

• Negotiating with subordinates who have their own interests, understandings and sources of support
• Persuading backers, investors, regulators and employees
• Learning how to organize a work environment that can better cope with conflict
• Saving money by avoiding useless litigation.

3. Enhanced Personal Effectiveness

• Negotiating with peers and others you cannot command but whose cooperation is vital
• Structuring bargaining situations for maximum return
• Controlling the escalation of interpersonal conflict
• Becoming more skillful at face-to-face negotiations

4. Making Better Deals

• Establishing favorable financial terms and contracts with suppliers, producers and consultants
• Influencing partnerships, joint ventures and mergers
• Understanding your negotiation situation
• Analyzing available negotiation tactics and selecting from an array of moves which can change the situation to your advantage.

5. Breaking Through Standoffs, Stalemates and Deadlocks

• Overcoming impasses by structuring creative options
• Avoiding the perception of all conflicts as win/lose situations and keeping control of the negotiations

An Interactive Conference for Senior Executives

October 27-28, 2008
March 16-17, 2009
May 18-19, 2009

In Cambridge, Massachusetts

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