Strategic Decision Making
Making clear, informed, effective decisions
This program is about organizing and managing executive decision making. Based on an extraordinary analysis of decision making in the office of the President of the United States, it shows how executives can organize advice and structure a process that:
1) improves their ability to make informed decisions
2) mobilizes and unifies disparate elements in an organization
3) takes account of the interrelatedness of issues that must be addressed
4) enhances the successful implementation of their decisions
5) helps create and maintain the image of a strong leader firmly in command
Three Executive Models
In developing an effective decision making process, executives must consider how it will influence their capacity to provide leadership throughout the organization, as well as insure the implementation of their decisions.
Successful executives need access to high quality information and analysis at the time they make decisions and the confidence that relevant information does not lie hidden beyond reach somewhere in the organization.
To that end, this program examines three executive decision making models which can be adapted to each individual’s own management style and organizational structure. The models will enable the leader to better:
1) identify and weigh key issues
2) focus on what needs to be decided
3) determine what information is needed and where to get it
4) develop and assess options
5) include the right people in the decision making process
In Cambridge, Massachusetts
October 27 - 28
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